Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday Closed
Greenview, CA 96037
Yreka, CA 96097
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday Closed
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday Closed
In the late 1930s, J.J. and May Burger opened and operated the Scott Valley Feed Co. in a building in "downtown" Greenview. Eggs were a large part of their business at that time. They bought eggs from their customers to sell retail and to other wholesale outlets.
In 1947, Carl Craig and Harvey Palmer bought the business, but decided to concentrate more on their well-drilling business, and sold Scott Valley Feed Co. to Otto and Maida Brogger in November of 1949.
When Highway 3 was completed in 1956, bypassing Greenview, the Broggers acquired land next to the new highway and built the present location. They opened the doors on January 2, 1959. The Broggers then expanded their feed, seed, and farm supplies by adding nursery stock, fruit and shade trees, indoor and bedding plants, along with garden and gift items.
Maida's talent can still be seen in the store on the handmade "GARDEN AND GIFT SHOP" cedar signboard she made with letters formed from pine branches. Otto, who has been secretary of the Scott Valley Chamber of Commerce since its foundation, did much of the Chamber's work in the store along with his feed business.
Carl and Tory Austin bought the Scott Valley Feed Store from Otto and Maida Brogger when the Broggers retired from the feed business in 1975. The Austins added another department - the "Craft Corral" that featured art and craft supplies. Their son, Benny, added the tack department and his wife, Kathy, enlarged the nursery stock, adding ground cover and perennials.
In 1989, as Scott Valley Feed neared the half-century mark, Carl and Tory turned the reins over to their son Benny. He and Kathy expanded the nursery to a full garden center that offers a variety of plants, shrubs, and trees that are climate tolerant for the area. In addition, they have drought and deer resistant plants, annual and perennials, small fruit trees, herbs and vegetables, plus all sorts of animal and pet feed, supplies, fertilizers and so much more.
As of June 2022 Brian and Diane Cowley purchased both the Yreka and Greenview locations and continue to add additional items to the stores. We are also connected to Siskiyou Pellet Mill so we can provide better service and product availability in our area.
Next time you're cruising Siskiyou County, stop in at Scott Valley Feed at one of their three locations: Greenview in Scott Valley, Yreka and Grenada and see the many items you’ll find here!


Let Us Know How We Can Help
Call us in Greenview 530-468-2434, Yreka 530-842-6801 or Grenada at 530-436-2241 and let us know how we can help you with your feed and gardening needs.
We are Passionate for Pets, Plants & People!